 Pipeline Asset Data Management Solutions 

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DataFrame solutions are a comprehensive framework of technologies developed for pipeline operators as the foundation for a successful enterprise asset, risk and integrity management system.

DataFrame products integrate, organize, and manage the vast amount of facility information that is acquired over the life cycle of a pipeline into a central APDM or PODS repository where it can be shared, viewed, and maintained by authorized personnel in any location. The increased availability of pipeline data to analysts and decision makers greatly improves the return on data investment.

FE iconFacility Explorer

Enterprise pipeline platform provides secure, role-based access and analysis of facility data, and advanced risk and integrity management from anywhere in the organization.

DF-DM iconDataFrame™ Data Maintenance

Manage and edit enterprise pipeline data from the desktop. Perform operations such as reroutes, route calibration & refinements, and adding new lines using wizard–based workflows.

DF-F iconDataFrame™ FieldTracker

Android and iOS based mobile app allows field pipeline inspection, maintenance and event reporting form completion. Publish enterprise-wide for cross-platform updating and sharing of form data.

DF-ASG iconDataFrame™ ASG

Design and generate any type of pipeline sheet, including alignment, integrity and construction sheets. Create flexible, reusable templates configured to unlimited spatial data sources.

DF-L iconDataFrame™ Loader

Bulk load and integrate ILI, CIS and DA surveys to the enterprise database with powerful data alignment capabilities and flexible format support.